Best Chocolate Chip Cookies?

March 21, 2020


I got a recommendation for this chocolate chip cookie recipe titled how to make perfect chocolate chip cookies. I made them today and while they were not perfect, they were still pretty good.

I followed the recipe with the exception of the espresso powder (which I don’t have on hand) and the resting phase of the dough.

What I liked:

  • The browned butter adds a complex flavour to it and browning butter is always fun (and smells great).
  • ⅔ brown sugar and ⅓ white sugar is nice.
  • They are actually really tasty and I ate two.

What I didn’t like:

  • They came out rather thin; this might be because I didn’t actually refrigerate the dough but I baked only half and the other half is in the freezer. My gut feeling is that the cold ones will spread less than the warm ones.
  • It was a little too salty. The recipe calls for 2 Tsp of kosher salt which is actually quite a lot. If I make this again, I’ll definitely use less salt.
  • They seemed greasy, more so than the cookies I usually make.